Solve the eight queens problem with Elixir
While I was learning Elixir I wanted something to use the for-comprehension to solve a problem. I remembered the Eight queens puzzle back from my college courses so I decided to give it a go.
I adapted the problem a bit, so my solution takes as inputs the following:
n: number of queens to position on the board
m: size of the board side
List of all the solutions (List[List[int]])
Naive Solution
The solution is simple, and uses backtracking to iterate over all possibilities and select the valid ones.
defmodule Queens do
@doc """
Given n number of queens and m the size of the checkerboard, find all solutions to
position each queen so that it does not collide with any other queen vertically,
horizontally or diagonally.
def solve(0, _m), do: [[]]
def solve(n, m) do
for done_queens <- solve(n-1, m),
avail_pos <- (Enum.to_list(1..m) -- done_queens),
safe_pos(avail_pos, done_queens, 1),
do: [avail_pos | done_queens]
defp safe_pos(_, [], _), do: true
defp safe_pos(pos, [queen | queens], distance) do
(pos != queen + distance) and
(pos != queen - distance) and
safe_pos(pos, queens, distance+1)
Obviously, this is not the fastest algorithm to solve this problem (exponential complexity), but it shows how elegant the solution can be using Elixir’s comprehensions.
Sample output in iex:
iex(47)> c("queens.ex")
iex(48)> :io.write Queens.solve(4, 4)
iex(49)> :io.write Queens.solve(3, 4)
iex(50)> :io.write Queens.solve(5, 5)
iex(51)> :io.write Queens.solve(1, 5)
Every day I learn more and more Elixir (and Erlang) and I can say that it’s among the few languages that managed to keep me interested and excited for more than 3-4 months (looking at you Scala and Python).