Update Route53 record set with EC2 instance public IP for a DIY load balancer

In this small tutorial I provide a code snippet that allows you to update a record set in Route53 with the public IP of an EC2 instance programmatically.

Why? Just use an Elastic Load Balancer!

Elastic Load Balancing is an awesome service that handles load balancing of the traffic to your instances very well. But, it comes with a price, literally. An ELB charges a small amount for every hour running, pretty much like a T2.small instance (as of time of writing). This is dirty-cheap when you have tens or thousands of instances behind it, but for 1-2 T2.nano instances it might seem overkill.

I play around a lot with AWS and I create small projects, websites mostly, where a single node is more than enough to handle all the load, thus paying for an additional load balancer is too much.

Moreover, there are many people that have use cases where ELB is not the right solution and they prefer to have Route53 act as their load balancer. Loggly team wrote a very nice article describing this approach and I recommend it for anyone interested in real-world advantages.


There are several custom solutions to avoid using an ELB. Most of them take advantage of Elastic IPs and Route53 API to programmatically update record sets.

Solution 1 - Elastic IP only

This solution is as simple as possible and only applies to single instance applications. When the EC2 instance boots you provide a user data script which will associate your Elastic IP (you should create this before booting the instance) with the instance.

Find more information for the exact CLI command at the official EC2 CLI reference.

I recently discovered that this is how single-node configuration of Elastic Beanstalk is implemented (very similar).

Solution 2 - Route 53 only

This solution requires a bit more work from you in terms of scripting but it is more flexible than having an Elastic IP for each instance. Inside the user data script of your launch-configuration you have full access to the AWS CLI. Therefore, you can pretty much do anything!

Let’s assume that you have an application at test.lambrospetrou.com served by a single instance. You want to programmatically update the A record of this record set to point to any new instance being created by your max-1-min-1-desired-1 auto-scaling group.

It turns out it is very simple to do :)

First of all we need to find the public IP of the running instance. AWS provides several metadata information to every EC2 instance and public IP is one of them.


The next step is to update the test.lambrospetrou.com record set. It is pretty easy to navigate through the Route53 - ‘change-resource-record-sets’ documentation which we find that the JSON we need is pretty much the following:

  "Comment": "Update the A record set",
  "Changes": [
      "Action": "UPSERT",
      "ResourceRecordSet": {
        "Name": "test.lambrospetrou.com",
        "Type": "A",
        "TTL": 300,
        "ResourceRecords": [
            "Value": ""

In the above JSON you can see that we want to do an UPSERT (update) for the test.lambrospetrou.com record set, with type A since we want to point to an IP address, and with value

In order to do the record set update you need the following command (assume that the above JSON is the content of a file named update-route53-A.json):

aws route53 change-resource-record-sets --hosted-zone-id "$HOSTED_ZONE_ID" --change-batch file://./update-route53-A.json

In the above command you have to put the correct Hosted zone id where the record set resides. You can find this in the Route53 console or with the following command:

aws route53 list-hosted-zones-by-name

If you try and play with the above command you will notice that the update is pretty much instant, which means that as soon as the instance is up and running, your application will be available using the domain.

There is one variation of the above command which accepts a string instead of a file, which makes it easier to use through scripting. The only difference is that the JSON we examined above needs to be enclosed in a field named ChangeBatch:

{ "ChangeBatch": { /*INPUT_JSON_LIKE_BEFORE*/ } }

and the command to use this JSON string is as follows:

aws route53 change-resource-record-sets --hosted-zone-id "$HOSTED_ZONE_ID" --cli-input-json "$INPUT_JSON_STR"

To summarise, these are the only two commands we need to do what we want:

  1. Get the public IP of the running instance

  2. Update the Route53 record set

    aws route53 change-resource-record-sets --hosted-zone-id "$HOSTED_ZONE_ID" --cli-input-json "$INPUT_JSON_STR"

Of course you will want to do some more scripting to replace the value with the proper IP and programmatically find the hosted zone id of your domain. The following snippet is a quick/hacky way of accomplishing this. Feel free to use it if you are bored to come up with a better one :)


if [ -z "$1" ]; then 
    echo "IP not given...trying EC2 metadata...";
    IP=$( curl )  
echo "IP to update: $IP"

HOSTED_ZONE_ID=$( aws route53 list-hosted-zones-by-name | grep -B 1 -e "lambrospetrou.com" | sed 's/.*hostedzone\/\([A-Za-z0-9]*\)\".*/\1/' | head -n 1 )
echo "Hosted zone being modified: $HOSTED_ZONE_ID"

INPUT_JSON=$( cat ./update-route53-A.json | sed "s/127\.0\.0\.1/$IP/" )

# http://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/reference/route53/change-resource-record-sets.html
# We want to use the string variable command so put the file contents (batch-changes file) in the following JSON
INPUT_JSON="{ \"ChangeBatch\": $INPUT_JSON }"

aws route53 change-resource-record-sets --hosted-zone-id "$HOSTED_ZONE_ID" --cli-input-json "$INPUT_JSON"

As an additional note, the above example updates the A record with a single IP. You can easily adapt the script to retrieve the current IPs of the record set and append the new one to them. This way you can even achieve simple round robin load balancing between nodes exploiting Route53’s weighted routing. Imagination is the limit to what you can achieve :)

Solution 3 - Route53 & Lambda

Another interesting and even more flexible way of achieving what I explained above, and way much more, is utilising AWS Lambda functions. The combination of Lambda with events and Route53 is super-powerful and can implement very complex configuration updates that are usually very difficult.

A lot of people are already playing with Lambda for doing network configuration changes triggered by autoscaling. For example, instead of doing the update of the Route53 record set in the user data section of the EC2 launch-configuration, you could setup a Lambda function to be invoked when a new instance has been created (or terminated) and do your changes using the official AWS SDKs available in Lambda functions.

Many AWS tutorials are available in the AWS blogs but you can find some in the References section below.


The above solution is by no means comprehensive or suitable for everyone and every use-case. Most of the time you will want to use Elastic Load Balancing which provides cross-AZ balancing, monitoring, and transparent load balancing in front of several auto-scaling groups.

In some cases though you want to keep it simple or cheap, and this is where these solutions are preferred!

Feel free to contact me for any mistakes you find in the snippets above or if you have a better solution for the aforementioned problem.

Happy AWS Clouding :)
